Add a Listing

findschoolworkshops is free to advertise your workshops. You can upload photos, locations and information about your workshop. Schools can contact you by filling in the enquiry form on your information page. Workshop providers must provide at least one photo and a link to from their home page to list their services for free.

Any enquiries received about your workshop will be offered to you at $14AU per enquiry. Contact details must not be added to your posting as all enquiries must come through the contact form. Any contact details will be removed before making an advert live.

Step 2 - Listing Information

You are not allowed to include contact details or a website link within the body of your advert. You will be contacted by schools through our workshop enquiry form.

Workshop providers requiring a free listing must provide a link to from their homepage. This must be the same website page you entered when signing up.

* Required

Step 3 - Images

You can add images to accompany your advert. Images must be in .jpg format and maximum 500kb in size.

The Main Image will be cropped to 116px x 94px. The optimum dimensions for gallery images is 800px x 600px.

Logo Upload
Gallery Image 1 Upload
Gallery Image 2 Upload
Gallery Image 3 Upload
Gallery Image 4 Upload

Step 4 - Locations

Choose the locations for your workshop and then scroll to the bottom to continue.

Step 5 - Ages

Choose the ages for your workshop and then scroll to the bottom to continue.


Your advert is being approved and will be live in up to 48 hours.

Your initial post is free and additional posts can be added at $20+GST per entry from your user area. You must provide a link to from your homepage for your free post to go live (see link to us)

When a school makes an enquiry about your workshop, we will send you an email with outline details. At this point you are able to choose if you would like to pay $14+GST for this enquiry and generate a booking for your company.

If you choose not to accept the enquiry, it will be offered to all other providers in your category for a $8+GST fee.

Login to your account
Upcoming Events
St Patrick's Day 17 March
National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence 18 March
Harmony Week 18 - 24 March
World Puppetry Day 21 March
Holi, Festival of Colours 24th - 25th March
World Theatre Day 27 March
Australian Heritage Festival 1 April – 31 May
World Art Day 15 April
World Circus Day 16 April
Earth Day 22 April
Anzac Day 25 April
International Dance Day 29 April
World Laughter Day 1 May
World Maths Day 5 May
Dinosaur Day 17 May
International Astronomy Day 18 May
World Day for Cultural Diversity 21 May
National Reconciliation Week 27 May - 2 June
World Music Day 21 June
World Drug Day 26 June
Black History Month July
NAIDOC Week 2 - 9 July
Moon Landings 20 July
Olympics 2024 26th July - 11th August
International Day of Friendship 30 July
International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples 9 August
National Science Week 12 - 20 August
Health & Physical Education Day 7 September
International Literacy Day 8 September
Australian Citizenship Day 17 September
Chinese Moon Festival 29 - 30 September
World Animal Day 4 October
World Space Week 4 – 10 October
World Mental Health Day 10 October
National Children's Week 19 - 27 October
Diwali 29th October - 3rd November
World Magic Day 31st October
Remembrance Day 11 November
International Stand up to Bullying 24 November
Christmas December
International Day of People with Disability 3 December
Australia Day 26 January
Chinese New Year 28 January - 3 February
International Mother Language Day 21 February
World Wildlife Day 3 March
World Book Day 7 March